The use of technological means to improve the management efficiency of large groups can be improved through the following aspects:

1. Use collaborative office tools: Collaborative office tools can help team members collaborate and communicate in real time in different locations, improving work efficiency. For example, using an online document sharing platform allows team members to edit and view documents at the same time, and provide timely feedback on comments and suggestions; using online conferencing tools allows for convenient remote meetings and discussions.

2. Apply data analysis technology: Using big data and data analysis technology can help managers better understand the work situation and performance of team members, so as to make more accurate decisions. For example, by analyzing employee work data, you can find out the reasons for low work efficiency and take corresponding measures to improve it; by analyzing customer data, you can understand customer needs and behavioral habits, thereby providing better products and services.

3. Introducing artificial intelligence technology: Artificial intelligence technology can help managers automate some repetitive tasks and improve work efficiency. For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to automatically identify and classify large amounts of data, thereby reducing the workload of manual processing; natural language processing technology can be used to automatically answer common questions and reduce the burden on managers.

4. Establish an online training platform: By establishing an online training platform, you can provide flexible learning opportunities for team members to improve their skills and knowledge levels. For example, training videos can be recorded to allow team members to learn anytime and anywhere; online quizzes and exams can be set up to help team members test and consolidate the knowledge they have learned.

5. Promote mobile office: Mobile office allows managers and team members to work anytime and anywhere, improving work efficiency and flexibility. For example, you can use mobile devices to check and reply to emails and handle urgent matters at any time; you can use mobile applications to view and manage your team's work progress at any time.

These technological means can help managers better manage their teams and improve work efficiency and team performance. However, in actual application, it is necessary to select appropriate technological tools according to specific circumstances and needs, and carry out reasonable organization and management to ensure that management efficiency can be truly improved.

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